Ricerca: Codice identificativo = IT/ItRC/00017363
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Scheda bibliografica proveniente da importazione di metadati da altro sistema
Tipo: Testo a stampa, Risorsa analitica
É contributo di: Graph-based representations in pattern recognition
Titolo: Separation of the Retinal Vascular Graph in Arteries and Veins
Pubblicazione: Berlin ; Heidelberg ; New York : Springer, ©2007
Descrizione fisica: 251-262
Titolo uniforme: Graph-based representations in pattern recognition
Numeri standard: DOI 10.1007/978-3-540-72903-7_23
Sommario o abstract: The vascular structure of the retina consists of two kinds of vessels: arteries and veins. Together these vessels form the vascular graph. In this paper we present an approach to separating arteries and veins based on a pre-segmentation and a few hand-labelled vessel segments. We use a rule-based method to propagate the vessel labels through the vascular graph. We embed this task as double-layered constrained search problem steered by a heuristical AC-3 algorithm to overcome the NP-hard computational complexity. Results are presented on vascular graphs generated from hand-made as well as on automatical segmentation
Altre responsabilità: Kai Rothaus
Paul Rhiem
Xiaoyi Jiang
Classificazione Dewey: 006 ed.22 Metodi speciali di elaborazione
Lingua della pubblicazione: Inglese
Paese di pubblicazione: Germania ; Stati Uniti d'America
Codice identificativo: IT/ItRC/00017363
data di importazione: 01-01-2014
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0004 Dettagli BibliotecaCNR - Area della Ricerca di Genova Servizio di Documentazione Scientifica
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