Ricerca: Codice identificativo = IT/ItRC/00017365
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Scheda bibliografica proveniente da importazione di metadati da altro sistema
Tipo: Testo a stampa, Risorsa analitica
É contributo di: Graph-based representations in pattern recognition
Titolo: An Efficient Ontology-Based Expert Peering System
Pubblicazione: Berlin ; Heidelberg ; New York : Springer, ©2007
Descrizione fisica: 273-282
Titolo uniforme: Graph-based representations in pattern recognition
Numeri standard: DOI 10.1007/978-3-540-72903-7_25
Sommario o abstract: This paper proposes a novel expert peering system for information exchange. Our objective is to develop a real-time search engine for an online community where users can query experts, who are simply other participating users knowledgeable in that area, for help on various topics. We consider a graph-based scheme consisting of an ontology tree where each node represents a (sub)topic. Consequently, the fields of expertise or profiles of the participating experts correspond to subtrees of this ontology. Since user queries can also be mapped to similar tree structures, assigning queries to relevant experts becomes a problem of graph matching. A serialization of the ontology tree allows us to use simple dot products on the ontology vector space effectively to address this problem. As a demonstrative example, we conduct extensive experiments with different parameterizations. We observe that our approach is efficient and yields promising results
Altre responsabilitą: Tansu Alpcan
Christian Bauckhage
Sachin Agarwal
Classificazione Dewey: 006 ed.22 Metodi speciali di elaborazione
Lingua della pubblicazione: Inglese
Paese di pubblicazione: Germania ; Stati Uniti d'America
Codice identificativo: IT/ItRC/00017365
data di importazione: 01-01-2014
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0004 Dettagli BibliotecaCNR - Area della Ricerca di Genova Servizio di Documentazione Scientifica
Disponibilitą: Biblioteca - collocazione: Zona Consultazione: L.III.4/15
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